Peugeot Vision Gran Turismo: Unveiled - Vidéo

 Raptor, le Dimanche 16/08/2015 à 13h56'32

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Peugeot, a company that has continued to achieve amazing victories in motorsports since its first establishment many years ago, has created the "Peugeot Vision Gran Turismo" using their wealth of knowledge in endurance car racing. Peugeot designers and Peugeot Sport engineers worked together to find the perfect fusion of flawless aerodynamics and stunning performance. See for yourself the alluring visage of this new Vision Gran Turismo, together with the interview of design director Gilles Vidal.

"Vision Gran Turismo" is a project in which the world's leading brands design an original sportscar in commemoration for the 15th anniversary of Gran Turismo, as present to players of "Gran Turismo 6". For more details regarding Vision Gran Turismo, please visit the Gran Turismo Official Website (http://www[...]

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Crédits vidéo : GranTurismoOfficial

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